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A Letter From Our Founder
Starting Love Life Foundation back in 1992 was, I suppose, one of the most selfish acts we have ever committed. I say that because, from day one, this foundation has continually given us the opportunity to affect a real difference in many lives. And that makes us feel very good. Love Life Foundation was commissioned first and foremost to make people aware of the tragedies inflicted upon children, and then to identify and support the agencies that bring relief and comfort to those young victims and their families. Our hope is that everyone will become involved in a charitable organization and experience, as we have, the real joy in giving. Giving of your time, talent, and finances. We have developed many lifelong friendships through this foundation. Thanks to all of you who have made us look so good. We are humbled by it to say, "it has never been because of us, it has always been because of you"...
Love life,
Maylee Thomas

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